Saturday, January 23, 2016

Are y'all sure I'm American?

On Sunday we had another game in Kurikka (an hour and a half away from Alajärvi) where a Japanese exchange student lives. I invited him to come but his parents were skiing so he couldn't which is too bad. We played a pretty good game. We got the first goal but also a four minute penalty. A ten minute penalty was called for a player on the other team. However, the referees were not very good. Kurikka got a goal when they should have gotten a penalty and they let them hit our goalie and it wasn't that great. I got some of their players mad though so I was at least satisfied with that. We ended up losing the game 3-2. We will play them again in a tournament coming up at the end of the month. Hopefully we will have some better referees and I think we can beat them. One of my hockey skate laces also broke but I tied them in a knot to keep them together.

Maanataina I brought my Rotary jacket to school. I showed it to my friends who were impressed by the 94 pins and hopefully more to come. English and history were normal but Finnish class was fun. We spoke in Finnish about our weekends and my teacher was impressed that I could even be sarcastic in Finnish. After that, instead of going to English I went to the junior high with Emma (she was an exchange student in Hong Kong last year) where we did presentations for an English class about being an exchange student. It was fun. After class, we talked with the teacher and she said she hoped to recruit lots of future exchange students as she was an exchange student in Ohio and it changed her life. She also gave us some presents. I got some Finnish candy as well as a laser pointer and a pen with the school's name on it since the principal wanted me to be able to remember their school when I got back and since they are small and can go in my suitcase when I go back. I had Finnish lessons in the evening where we learned about the i plural before hockey practice. I had new laces since my others were broken. They are the same color as my dress for the dance... :)

Tiistaina I had dance in the morning. I finally remembered to bring my shoes in and I practiced in those. My partner his shoes also (I told him he needed to buy some over the weekend or else). We learned how to dance the grand square dance. In history we answered some questions about the Romans, in English we went over grammar and in math class we went over the homework and did some more. 

On Wednesday my host dad decided it was a chocolate day. What does that mean? It means he bought me chocolate in the morning on the way to school. I did some listening comprehension in English class (side note: listening comprehension for English is pretty hard here, especially because you have to interpret what they are saying and not just pick the answer that says exactly what they said. It's hard man). Then I had history, math and English before I had free periods. My host dad's work doesn't end until three so I stay at school.My friends and I discussed the fact that kinder eggs are banned in the US. They were very surprised. In the evening I went to a Rotary meeting where I found out the meeting I would attend in the next few months that involve ice fishing and bowling, for example.

Torstaina we had dance where we practiced everything we had learned so far. It was fun but hard for everyone to remember everything. In the evening I had hockey practice before I returned home to find a letter- a letter about EuroTour. I was very excited and sent an email to my parents right away asking if I could go.

On Friday, I received an email from my mom saying I couldn't go on EuroTour. I was determined to go on EuroTour so I talked to my host dad about it and he called some people and said that I might be able to earn some money translating websites so I could pay for EuroTour. Then I had a normal school day and I gave another presentation. Before my presentation, one of the students in my English class asked me about my jacket as class was ending. He asked if I had been all of those places which I said no and explained about all the pins and he said it was a nice jacket. At lunch we saw the foreigners eat their last Finnish lunch before they return. I suppose I haven't mentioned them already, have I? Well, basically a bunch of foreign teachers from around the world came to Alajärvi to participate in some program in the junior high school before the return home. It was funny to watch them throughout the week and how some of them reacted to the cold (some were very bundled up for winter as they were not used to it). I gave my presentation in the afternoon and one of them asked at the end if I really was American if I spoke Finnish so well. He wanted to know how they could be sure. After that we had dance practice where we had time to practice our own dances and it was pretty fun and the dances the boys were doing were pretty funny.

In the evening my host mom, host sister, my music teacher (his son plays on my team) and I worked at the ice rink's concession stand. Basically we just had to make a bunch of coffee and sell it for the people who came for it. Finnish people drink a lot of coffee, so we sold quite a lot as well as some candy to some kids. I saw one of my friends come in, so I went and said hi to her. She had a women's/girl's hockey practice so that's why she was there. I watched from above, that's where the concessions stand is, and I found out that my coach helps out with it. Then we had to clean up the upstairs area of the arena where the concessions stand is. We vacuumed and moped and cleaned off the tables. I was the boss and I probably did most of the work, but it was fine since we were there for three hours and I was bored. After that, I found out from my dad that it was all a joke and that I could go on EuroTour and to Russia. My mom was joking and she had just wanted to see my reaction. Tough love, huh? ;)

Today we got to watch my host dad and his team race. Basically there is a car racing simulator and people have teams and they practice racing before they compete today. All I know is that my host dad's team did well and I think there is another round tomorrow. In the evening, I made my host dad clean his work room with my help and it turned out quite lovely, as can be seen in the above four pictures. (It's too bad I don't have a before picture- you should've seen this place.)

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