Sunday, January 10, 2016

School returns

On Sunday I put the rest of my pins of my jacket. I wonder if I'll have any space for the newbies' pins... ;) My first host family also came over and got pieces of an old bed from my second host family for their youngest daughter Malla.

On Monday, we watched Finland play against Sweden game. Finland won! Why? Because Finland is awesome and better than Sweden of course! After hockey practice we watched the Russia versus USA game and USA lost sadly...

Tiistaina we watched the bronze medal game of USA versus Sweden. USA won the bronze! USA! USA! After that came the Finland versus Russia game. It was very close and the game went into overtime after the Russian tied up the game in the last ten second (after their captain got a pretty bad penalty may I add). But then in overtime Finland scored the final goal!! SUOMI! SUOMI! It was funny to watch the replay too because after the goal had been scored, all the Finns took their helmets off and one slid in front of the Russian goalie. You know, just a happy accident that rubbed it in their face even more. The interviews with the Finns were also pretty great because they were just so happy and so energetic about it. They sprayed a bottle of champagne at each other and were taking selfies and gave their head coach a quick shower.

Keskivikkona my host mom made some pancakes in the morning using a "Minnesota" pancake mix they found in the store (no really, it said Minnesota on it) along with some Minnesota syrup on it. It was good, but she hadn't asked to use some of my vanilla extract and that would have made it even better. At hockey practice we had practice of course, but then one of my coaches gave me a book called "Sights in Finland" which has a bunch of picture of Finland and descriptions in English. He said he found it (I don't know where) and that I could have it although the pictures may be old since it was published in 2006. We also had a discussion about all of the different uses of the word okay in English (it started since I kept saying it in response to my coach giving me the book). I figured out three uses of the word okay: as a question/to show confusion, as an another word for sure and as another word for yes.

Then back to school I went on Thursday. First I had my dance class and we learned how to dance the waltz. My partner wasn't there since he was at home with food poisoning his friend told me so I danced with his friend since his friends' partner wasn't there. Then I had English class with my class (first years) and geometry class. English was English and math was math.  Then I had my English class with the third years (my class is taking Swedish and I am not at their level of Swedish so I am taking this class) before I had my European history class. My history teacher talked to me and she heard I understood a decent amount of Finnish so I can do whatever I feel comfortable with in Finnish (I answered questions in English before in history class. Hockey practice that night but this time with the younger kids and the goalies since our practice time got changed.

Perjantaina was an easy day. First I had a double period of English with my class and we learned the passive tense. Then I had a double period of gym with the first year girls and we played hand ball. After that was my English class with the third years  where we reviewed grammer before I had a double period of dance class. My partner was there and we danced some circle dance thing.

Today we had a game. We lost but we got two goals and I knocked some people over so it was okay. :)

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